MaxWhit Services Limited is committed to ensuring the safety of its employees, customers, members of the public and anyone else who are affected by our operations.

The company commits to operating in accordance with the Health and Safety at Work (etc) Act 1974, The Management of Health & Safety Regulations 1999 and all other applicable regulations and codes of practice, so far as is reasonably practicable.

The management will ensure that significant risks are assessed and suitable and sufficient measures are adopted to allow each employee/contractor to carry out his/her duties safely and without risk to health. Suitable equipment will be provided and maintained in a safe condition, and safe systems of work will be devised.

The company shall strive to achieve continuous improvement in Health & Safety performance.

Each employee/contractor will be made aware of his/her responsibility for his/her own health and safety and that of others. All employees/contractors will be given the opportunity to consult with the management on matters relating to Health & Safety, or to appoint a representative to do so.

Where necessary the company will arrange or provide suitable training for both management and operatives, in particular where new work practices or equipment are introduced.

The company will seek external advice as necessary to keep its health & safety policy, working practices and equipment up to date and in accordance with current legislation.

Ultimate responsibility in all areas of safety rests with the Managing Director. This duty is of no less importance than any of the responsibilities attached to that position.

Reviews of Health and Safety Policy will be made annually no later than 01/05/2023. The monitoring of all issues relating to this policy is the responsibility of the Managing Director


Date 06/05/2022

Maxine Kenyon
Managing Director
MaxWhit Services Limited

2.0   The company will formulate a policy and implement procedures to ensure that it complies, as a minimum, with the provisions of the above relevant legislation for the benefit of all employees/contractors. This policy will be brought to the attention of all employees/contractors by means of an induction when first joining the company. Any significant changes in the policy or in the relevant legislation will be communicated to all employee/contractors via the management structure as appropriate.


The company is owned and managed by Maxine Kenyon, who is directly responsible for Health and Safety matters within the company. The responsible person will seek external assistance where necessary to ensure that the company meets both its statutory obligations and the objectives laid down in this Health & Safety Policy.

The organisation of the workforce is the responsibility of Maxine Kenyon, who holds the position of Managing Director and who is responsible for ensuring that the company’s Health & Safety Policy and associated procedures are implemented by all site operatives.

Day to day management of the company’s Cleaning Services, Supplies & Consumables etc operations is the responsibility of Maxine Kenyon who may be supported by site managers, each responsible for one site or customer premises. Depending on the size and nature of the site, the responsible person may be supported by one or more supervisors responsible for the direct supervision of the company operatives.


Each and every employee/contractor has a statutory duty to take reasonable care in relation to his/her own health & safety, and the health & safety of any other person who may be affected by his/her acts or omissions.

Therefore, it shall be the duty of all employees/contractors whilst at work:

  1. To take reasonable care for the health & safety of themselves and others, who may be affected by their acts or omissions at work
  2. To co-operate with the employer to ensure compliance with all the company Health & Safety policies and procedures
  3. To refrain from intentional or reckless interference with equipment and/or systems provided in the interest of Health, Safety and the Environment
  4. To co-operate with management when required on such things as accident prevention and all procedures with regard to Health, Safety and the Environment as set out in the Health & Safety at Work etc. Act, the Environmental Protection Act and all associated Regulations and ACOPs
  5. To maintain good standards of housekeeping in both our and client premises
  6. To report any accident or incident including near-misses (whether or not personal injury results) to the office
  7. To report any defects in equipment without delay to their immediate supervisor and not to attempt repairs which they have not been authorised and specifically trained to undertake
  8. To ensure that no potentially hazardous item, substance or machine is brought on to site or used without the prior knowledge and authority of their immediate supervisor
  9. To use and, if applicable, wear any item of Personal Protective Equipment. It is a requirement of law that any equipment supplied for safety must be used, and when not in use it is properly cleaned, stored and
  10. To undergo any Health, Safety, Environmental and Operational training deemed necessary by the company


If an employee/contractor becomes aware of any potential breaches of health & safety law, or unsafe working practices he/she must notify the Managing Director or Site Manager.

If an employee/contractor feels that health & safety procedures may be improved, for example by use of alternative equipment, he/she will be encouraged to discuss any suggestions with the management.


The company has identified the following safety functions and has designated those persons named below as responsible for carrying out those functions.

  1. Risk Assessments MAXINE KENYON
  2. Manual Handling Assessments MAXINE KENYON
  3. COSHH Assessments MAXINE KENYON
  4. Fire Risk Assessments MAXINE KENYON
  5. First Aid Arrangements MAXINE KENYON
  6. Emergency Procedures MAXINE KENYON
  7. Accident Reporting and Investigation MAXINE KENYON
  8. Welfare MAXINE KENYON
  9. New site audit and inspection MAXINE KENYON
  10. Equipment checks MAXINE KENYON

Where any of the above named personnel are unable to carry out their duties, for any reason, responsibility will pass to Office Manager to ensure that suitable provision is made to ensure the discharge of each function.


7.1  Risk Assessments

The MD or his nominated representative will prepare a generic risk assessment covering the common risks encountered in the company’s normal business. If necessary, external assistance will be sought to carry out the generic risk assessments. The significant findings of the risk assessments will be relayed to all staff. Copies of the risk assessments are appended to this health & safety policy.

The MD or his nominated representative will carry out site specific risk assessment for all new sites where the company’s employees/contractors are required to work. Such assessments will consider the health and safety of employee/contractors and the public on site. In particular the company is aware of the number of serious injuries from the incidence of Slips, Trips and Falls. The MD therefore will pay particular attention to eliminating these hazards from each site.

7.2  Serious or Imminent Danger

These procedures are in line with Regulation 8 of the Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations.

It is a policy of the company that no employee or sub-contractor will be made to work in dangerous conditions without due regard to health & safety, and all employees should be aware that there are regulations and procedures regarding serious or imminent danger.

Managers, supervisors and employees are reminded that they must not under any circumstances undertake work, or instruct others to undertake work, where there is a risk of imminent danger, without the correct levels of personal protective equipment, training and safety procedures being in place.

The firm authorises any employee to remove himself/herself to a relative place of safety, when he/she has reason to believe he/she is at serious risk or in imminent danger. Work will not resume in that area until the problem has been neutralised.

Some emergency events can occur and develop rapidly, thus requiring employees to act without waiting for further guidance, for example, in a fire. Employees must, on arrival at new sites, make themselves familiar with the emergency procedures, escape routes and location of fire fighting equipment and assembly points prior to starting work.

Under no circumstances will work activities take priority over safety considerations.

7.3  Working At Height

It is the policy of the company to comply with the Work at Height Regulations. Work at height will be avoided wherever possible. Where work at height can not be avoided, the site foreman is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment and

selecting appropriate work equipment to access height and ensuring the appropriate safety measures to prevent falls are implemented.

Only trained and competent staff will be allowed to work at height and apprentices will be closely supervised.

Where the risk of a fall can not be eliminated, the foreman will put in place measures and equipment to minimise the distance and consequences of a fall should one occur.

7.4  Work Instructions (Method Statements)

Work Instructions (Method Statements) will be developed for all the company’s operations, information from the risk assessments will be used to formulate these documents which will be used in training and given to members of staff, the work instructions will be reviewed and updated either periodically or when something significant changes

7.5  Manual Handling Assessments

The MD or his nominated representative will carry out specific manual handling assessments for any necessary operation which has been highlighted as requiring a detailed assessment by the general risk assessment. Where practical, manual handling should be avoided by utilising mechanical means to minimise the risks arising.

Manual handling assessments will consider the load to be handled, e.g. tools, equipment, materials etc, its size and weight, the individual, the task and the environment in which the task takes place.

The assessment will also consider the possibility of kinetic lifting techniques to assist the movement of an object and to minimise the risks arising from manual handling.

7.6  Noise

Regular exposure to high noise can cause deafness and tinnitus. Noise assessments will be carried out when ever it is suspected that noise levels may be above 80db(a), and hearing protection will be provided for all operatives. Where noise levels are at 85db(a) or above the company will take measures to reduce the exposure of noise to its employees, by means other than hearing protection; the wearing of hearing protection shall also be enforced

7.7  COSHH Assessments

For all materials or substances utilised which may be hazardous to health, a formal COSHH Assessment will be carried out by the MD or his nominated representative, using a suitable template. A register of hazardous substances shall be kept at the head office along with all relevant Safety Data Sheets. Significant findings of the assessments will be communicated to the relevant operatives, together with the relevant Risk Assessments and Method Statements and instructions for use.

7.8  Young Workers

Risk Assessments must be carried out in compliance with The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations.

Explanatory Note

Current regulations do not specifically identify young persons, but an employer must give consideration.

Young workers are seen as being particularly at risk because of their possible lack of awareness of existing or potential risks, immaturity and inexperience.

The responsible person will therefore:

  • Assess risks to young workers
  • Take into account their inexperience, lack of awareness and immaturity
  • Prohibit certain activities where higher risks are identified
  • Not allow the young person to operate any machinery or equipment without proper supervision and training
  • Provide training to ensure competence before allowing any unsupervised activity to be undertaken
  • Provide suitable supervision at all times
  • Not employ any person under the age of 14 years for any paid or non-paid employment
7.9  Fire Safety

In the event of a fire in MaxWhit Services Ltd premises the MD is the Responsible Person (RP) alternatively in their absence their nominated representative will take charge, in their absence the most senior person on site will assume the responsibility.

On a clients site where MaxWhit Services Ltd are responsible for the site, it is the responsibility MaxWhit Services Ltd or their nominated representative on site to ensure that all fire safety procedures are implemented in client buildings and on client sites and are communicated to staff.

Fire risk assessments will be carried out in all areas occupied by the organisation, the risk assessments will consider sources of ignition, sources of fuel and any extra sources of oxygen over and above what is present in the air. The assessment will evaluate the risk of a fire starting and the effect of the fire on people. The assessment will indicate control measures to remove or reduce the risk of fire starting. The significant findings of the assessment will be communicated to the relevant persons together with the necessary instruction and training.

Means of Escape

In the event of fire occurring, it is vital that staff and other persons are able to evacuate the premises.

All existing doors through which a person may have to pass to get out of the premises must be capable of being easily and immediately opened from the inside. Staff will not block or otherwise obstruct exits provided for emergency evacuation.

Access routes must always be maintained unobstructed to exit doors (internal and final exits) sufficient to allow easy access by the number of persons likely to use those routes,

(750 mm minimum width) and employees must observe any line markers to indicate areas which must be kept clear.

Stairways in buildings must be free from any risk of fire or spread of fire eg unauthorised portable heater, combustible material etc.

Under no circumstances should fire doors be wedged open unless they are retained by automatic magnetic release systems or similar which are connected to the fire alarm system.


Good housekeeping is most important. Waste or packing materials should not be allowed to accumulate in any building. No combustible materials should be kept in rooms and stairwells should be kept clear of combustible materials at all times.

7.10  Smoking

In compliance with statutory law, it is the policy of the company that all of our workplaces are smoke free and all employees have a right to work in a smoke free environment. Smoking is prohibited throughout all client sites with no exceptions. Smoking is not allowed in company vehicles.

This policy applies to everyone.

7.11  Health & Safety Training

The business will provide as much training and re-training as is necessary to ensure, so far as is reasonably practicable, the health and safety of all staff. During staff induction and upon any job transfer, safety training will be provided to ensure that staff are trained in Health & Safety matters to a level appropriate to their responsibilities.

Induction Training

Every new employee will receive a safety induction on day one of his/her employment. The training will consist of fire safety, manual handling, display screen equipment use (where necessary), and environmental and general safety. New employees will also be given instruction and safety training on the equipment they will be required to use whilst discharging their duties. A training record will be maintained at the company offices for each employee.

7.12  Communication with workers

The company uses a variety of methods to communicate information with employees and sub contractors.  A monthly informal meeting is held to discuss any issue,

including safety. We will also pass information to employees with payslips as required. A notice board in the head office is also kept up to date.

Communication with employees, whose first language is not English, will be carried out using one or more of the following methods:

  • Ensure adequate time to consult with employees where language and/or literacy may be issues, so they can absorb the information and respond to you
  • Use an interpreter; this may be a trained work colleague
  • Get information translated and check that this has been done clearly and accurately by testing it with native speakers
  • Use pictorial information and internationally understood pictorial signs where appropriate
  • Where information has to be in English, use clear and simple materials, and allow more time to communicate issues
7.13  Pregnant Workers

The company recognise that pregnant workers are more vulnerable to injury and as such will carry out specific risk assessments where a worker notifies them of a pregnancy. Such assessments will consider the workers duties, working conditions and hours, where it is deemed that a risk to the mother or baby is present, suitable controls will be introduced.

7.14  First Aid Arrangements

The MD or his nominated representative will ensure that as a minimum

the organisation has an Appointed Person for first aid. The appointed person will be responsible for maintaining the first aid kit and taking charge after an accident, this includes calling for a person qualified in first aid or ambulance if necessary. Where visits are carried out to other premises, the person responsible for Health & Safety will ascertain the first aid procedures to be followed, and details will be provided to all organisation employees/contractors required to work in or on such premises.

MaxWhit Services Ltd first aid names will be displayed on the office notice board.

7.15  Emergency Procedures

Where work is carried out in the customer’s premises, the MD or his nominated representative will ascertain the procedures to be followed in case of emergency,

e.g. lone worker injury etc. and details will be provided to all company employees/contractors required to work in or on such premises.

7.16  Lone working

All employees/contractors who are required to carry out lone working will be given information, instruction and training on the specific hazards of lone working, the MD or his nominated representative will ensure all lone workers carry mobile phones to ensure they are able to be contacted. The MD or his nominated representative will put in place any such measures he deems necessary to ensure lone workers can contact help in the event of an accident or an emergency; such measures may include training, prearranged call in times, etc.

7.17  Machinery Maintenance

All machines including power tools, floor washers/polishers, etc. shall be subject to regular inspection by the contract managers, who will withdraw damaged or unsuitable equipment from service immediately.

All machinery shall also be subject to maintenance and service as per the manufacturers instruction and maintenance schedule, OR at least annually.

7.18  Machinery Operation

All employees/contractors who are required to operate machinery will have the appropriate training and license (where necessary) to operate such machinery. It is company policy to take severe disciplinary action against any person found to be operating machinery without the necessary competence.

All 240 volt appliances must be used with an RCD (Residual Current Device) mounted at the wall socket to protect the equipment and any extension lead in the event of any electrical fault. Alternatively, the power circuit may be protected by an RCD breaker within the distribution panel. This must be confirmed by the Client in order to ensure protection from electrocution.

7.19  Transport Safety

It is the policy of the company to only employ drivers who are competent. Driver approval and competence

A person may only operate MaxWhit Services Ltd vehicles if he or she:

  1. Has held a full UK license for a minimum of 2 years
  2. Has not been disqualified from driving for drink and/or drug offences in the last 5 years, nor has any prosecution pending
  3. Holds the correct license for the type of vehicle being operated

Drivers must inform the company of any circumstances that may lead a driver to being unfit for driving duties.

Drivers must inform the office immediately they become aware of any pending prosecution for any driving offence.

All drivers will be asked to present their licenses to the office these will be photocopied and returned.

7.20  Accident Reporting and Investigation

It is the policy of MaxWhit Services Ltd that all accidents, incidents and near misses are reported to the site and recorded into the company’s accident record book which is kept online in our Safety First Package.

The main objective of accident, incidents, near misses reporting and investigation is to reduce incidents and prevent future accidents.

It will be the responsibility of the MD or his nominated representative to notify the Health &

Safety Executive in respect of any accident or occurrence for which notification is required by the:

Current – Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations The following must be reported:

  • Deaths
  • Specified injuries to members of the public on our premises and taken to
  • Over 7 day injuries – where an employee or self-employed person is injured at work and away from work or unable to perform their normal work duties for more than 7 consecutive days. This must be reported to the HSE using appropriate forms within 15 days of the accident.
  • Some work-related diseases as per RIDDOR
  • A dangerous occurrence – where something happens that does not result in an injury, but could have done.
  • Gas Safe registered gas fitters must also report dangerous gas fittings they find, and gas conveyors / suppliers must report some flammable gas incidents.

Any accident resulting in more than minor injuries or incident which might have resulted in serious injury will be investigated by the MD or his nominated representative.

Depending upon the circumstances of the accident, the MD or his nominated representative may seek the assistance of an external Health & Safety Advisor, both in the investigation and the formulation of preventative procedures to avoid repetition.

A study of the circumstances will help to reduce or remove the causes:

  • When the reports are examined over a period of time, it can be seen whether preventative measures have been effective in reducing
  • If these objectives are to be attained, investigation and reporting must be accurate, complete and consistent.
  • All accidents and incidents resulting in injury to employees and/or to any other persons or near misses on the premises or sites that MaxWhit Services Ltd employees are working on must be reported immediately to MaxWhit Services Ltd site foreman and or to the site Duty holder or PC and be recorded in the company Accident book and reporting
  • Where there is more than one person injured in the accident a separate page should be used for each
  • All relevant questions must be completed for every accident resulting in personal
  • Care should be taken in completing the Accident Report Form and the MaxWhit Services Ltd Supervisor wherever possible should ensure that the injured person reads the entries recorded on his
  • Care should also be taken when stating the nature of the injury. Unless a medical certificate has been submitted.

Welfare on Residential Contracts

In most cases, company employees/contractors will be able to use toilet/washing facilities within the customer’s premises. It will be the responsibility of the Site Manager to ascertain if this is possible prior to commencement of a contract. Where it is not possible, it will be the responsibility of the Site Manager to establish the location of suitable temporary or public facilities.

Due to the nature of the work, it is not reasonably practicable for the company to provide messing facilities. In some cases, employees/contractors may be able to use customer’s facilities, but where this is not possible employees/contractors will be required to make their own arrangements. However, it will be the responsibility of the MD/Site Manager to identify potential public facilities within the vicinity of the work.

7.21  Welfare on Construction Projects

Welfare facilities provided for construction projects shall be implemented as per schedule 2 of the current CDM regulations. A full list of these requirements are provided to each contract manager

7.22  Equipment Inspections and Records

The user must carry out a daily visual inspection of any equipment prior to its use, and must immediately report any defect, or suspected defect to the Supervisor.

The Responsible Person will arrange periodic inspections of all company equipment to include ladders, other access to height, PPE, tools, machines etc, and will keep a record of such inspections in compliance with PUWER.

Works transport will be visually checked by the designated person at a regular frequency, to ensure correct operation of all functions and maintenance of fluid and pressure levels.

Servicing and MOT testing will be carried out in compliance with manufacturer recommendation and current vehicle regulations. For the purposes of record keeping, each item of equipment shall have its own unique reference, which shall be clearly marked on it. Markings must be maintained so that they are clearly discernible at all times.

Where an inspection reveals a defect, it will be the responsibility of the Responsible Person to ensure that the equipment is withdrawn from service, until such time as a suitable repair has been affected. If the equipment is beyond repair, it must be discarded; whether or not a suitable replacement is available, and any work relying on the use of such equipment must be suspended until a suitable replacement is available

7.23  Portable Appliance Testing

The term ‘portable’ is used to mean portable, movable or transportable.

Portable equipment is not part of a fixed installation but when used is connected to a fixed installation (or a generator), by means of a flexible cable, plug and socket. It includes equipment that is hand held or hand operated while connected to the supply.

All portable electrical appliances will be tested in accordance with the regulations, at the recommended intervals, ‘as may be necessary to prevent danger’. It will be the responsibility of the site manager to ensure that all equipment provided is suitable for the task, including any provided by a Customer.

Each employee/contractor must carry out a daily inspection of any equipment prior to its use, and must immediately report any defect, or suspected defect to MD/Site Manager.

7.24  PPE

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) will be provided by the company and the relevant PPE must be worn at all times whist carrying out work. Details of the correct PPE will be made available to employees; no employee/contractor will be permitted to start work without the correct PPE and the necessary information, instruction and training to enable him to utilise the equipment correctly and without risks to safety and health. It will be the responsibility of each contract manager and his site foreman to monitor the wearing of PPE on sites under their control, persons found to be persistently breaching PPE rules will be subject to disciplinary procedures including ejection from site.

7.25  Asbestos

Asbestos is recognised as being an extremely hazardous substance and as such must be treated with the utmost care. When working on site staff and contractors will assume any suspicious material is asbestos and stop work unless there is conclusive evidence to the contrary.

No disturbance such as drilling, breaking or cutting etc shall be carried out to any material suspected of containing asbestos fibres. Any suspicious material shall be reported to the site or building manager immediately.

A Management Survey should always be made available. Its purpose is to locate, as far as reasonably practicable, the presence and extent of any suspected Asbestos Containing Materials (ACMs) in the building which could be damaged or disturbed during normal occupancy.

7.26  Hand Arm Vibration Syndrome (HAVS)

Anyone who regularly and frequently is exposed to high levels of vibration can suffer permanent injury.

The company will ensure that staff are not subjected to excessive vibration through power tools etc. the company will endeavor to source low vibration tools and limit exposure to such tools the company will also provide adequate information instruction and training to its staff and contractors on the risks of HAVS.


The company commits to operating to the very highest standards of Health, Safety and Quality and will therefore carry out its operations in accordance with best practice as advised by the Health & Safety Executive, and also various trade bodies and associations. This best practice will be reviewed on annual basis and adopted annually or when evidence that significant improvements can be made by adopting sooner.

Guidance documents are kept at head office and will be made available to staff and other interested parties.


At periodic intervals the MD or his nominated representative will carry out a health & safety audit on one contract, selected at random. The audit will consider the effectiveness of the welfare facilities; emergency procedures, safe methods of work etc. identified at the outset and will identify any corrective action required. Where the MD considers it necessary in order to maintain the desired level of health & safety, they may seek the assistance of an external Health & Safety Advisor in carrying out audits and identifying corrective actions.


All records will be kept by the MD, in written form indicated in the various appendices. Such records will include:

  • Equipment Inspections
  • COSHH Assessments
  • Generic Risk Assessments
  • Staff Training and Induction Records

In addition to the above general records, the following contract specific records will be maintained for each major contract:

  • Contract Start-Up Information
  • Specific Risk Assessment
  • Method Statements and Safe Systems of Work
  • Accident Record Book

The above policy is designed to suit the business to which it relates.   Should the nature or size of the business change significantly this policy will be reviewed and updated, as appropriate.